I am committed to supporting student social workers and newly qualified social workers to connect social work education to practice. throughout their journey from social work education to social work practice. I am dedicated to ensuring you are equipped with the resources and support you need to thrive.
Coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development.
One to one coaching
One to one coaching sessions are designed to help you develop key skills, manage stress, build confidence and set achievable career goals. With coaching, you will receive targeted strategies to accelerate your personal and professional growth, helping you become the social worker you aspire to be.
Group coaching
The 5 week group coaching course is designed for student social workers and newly qualified social workers to connect social work education to practice. This course will provide you with the resources and community support to build a strong foundation for your professional journey. Through a series of interactive sessions, you will gain practical knowledge and skills, develop a professional network and build confidence to successfully navigate your career. The course modules include:
Module 1: The professional identity
Module 2: Imposter syndrome and building confidence
Module 3: Navigating supervisory relationships
Module 4: Managing workload and preventing burnout
Module 5: Reflection, integration and future planning
Course fee: £625
Join the group coaching course dedicated to supporting and developing student social workers and newly qualified social workers to connect social work education to practice.